Advancement in technology comes with new trends and the wedding industry has not been left behind. And it is interested to note that the new trends coming up are due to the popularity of social media. If you are a bride- and groom-to-be, you will find some cool 2015 technology trends which you may want to look at. Whether you are planning the wedding or it is during the magical day, here are our top picks for the best wedding technology trends for 2015 that be particularly interesting to try out.
Pinterest has become extremely popular today because DIY fanatics can have a social site dedicated to them – a platform they can share their skills and learn even more. And statistics show that woman, brides included, are especially active on Pinterest. There are thousands of boards with collections of wedding gowns, bridesmaids’ dresses, wedding decoration, wedding accessories and much more. You can practically plan your entire wedding on Pinterest. In fact in 2013, a Dallas based man surprised his girlfriend with an entire wedding that he planned using her Pinterest board. To the girlfriend’s delight, everything was what she had dreamed it to be. The girlfriend was not officially part of the planning process, but the details of the wedding were all hers and were well detailed in her Pinterest page titled “My Dream Wedding”. As a bride-to-be you can use Pinterest to collect ideas from bridesmaids as well as strangers, and to seek out wedding vendors by following their boards.
People are now saving money on traditional wedding invitations and are instead using a Facebook Event Page to send out invitations to family and friends. The advantage of using the event page is that you can send invitations to as many or few people as you want without having to worry about cost, as it is free. Also you can customise it as you wish. Besides, you get to easily keep your guests updated on the wedding plans. Moreover, it is much easier for the guests to send in their RSVPs. However, the downside is that some of your guests such as uncles, aunts, grandparents etc. may not be on Facebook. So you may still consider sending them the traditional wedding invitations.
A recent wedding trend is creating a custom wedding site. Many couples are now creating wedding sites to catalog every detail surrounding the wedding day from engagement, planning, and rehearsal to the actual wedding day. Wedding sites allow the couple to let their guests know of their wedding theme using personalised templates that mimic the actual wedding. They can show off their relationship photos as well as receive RSVPs instantly. Also, they can direct their friends who are on Facebook, Twitter or Sina Weibo etc. to the wedding sites.
With the popularity of Twitter and Instagram on an all-time high, couples are now using these two social media platforms to collect photos from guests using a custom wedding hashtag. This enables those who cannot make it to the ceremony to follow along with the pictures being shared.
Drones are now all the rage in the photography and videography world. Photographers and videographers are now using drones to take amazing wedding photos that are near impossible using the normal photography technology. Drones are cool because they capture aerial shots with a 360 degree angle meaning that you will not miss a thing.
Nice and cool wedding photos are no longer just expected from the hired wedding photographer but from everyone in attendance. There are moments that the photographer might not manage to capture but a guest could perfectly just by being in the right place at the right time. Guests now enjoy taking selfies with wedding couples and with each other making weddings even more fun and enjoyable. To ensure that the party keeps going, couples are now providing selfie sticks and charging stations at the venue. These will also help to keep the hashtag photos going since people will have “endless” phone charge.
Your best friend from college can’t make it to your wedding? No worries. Thanks to technology, one does not necessarily have to be there physically to attend a wedding. With wedding webcasts, guests who are unable to attend the wedding can now watch your wedding as it unfolds in real time. With a live broadcast available on the internet, anyone can witness your wonderful wedding ceremony from anywhere in the world.
Today, there are hundreds of wedding apps that a couple can use to plan their wedding. The good thing about apps is that you can either use existing apps or you can have an app designed specifically for your wedding. Some of the most popular wedding apps available include Appy Couple, Pro Wedding Planner, Wedding Wire, etc.
With all the available technology trends for 2015 weddings, you have no excuse not to make your day memorable, not just for you but for your guests as well. So, no matter what tickles your fancy, take advantage of the current trends to make your wedding unforgettable.